Introduction of Mine Surveying

Mine surveying is a branch of mining science and technology, surveying and mapping. It includes all measurements, calculations and mapping which serve the purpose of ascertaining and documenting information at all stages from prospecting to exploitation and utilizing mineral deposits both by surface and underground working.


The following are the principal activities of mine surveying:

  •   The interpretation of the geology of mineral deposits in relation to the economic exploitation thereof. The investigation and negotiation of mineral mining rights. Making and recording, and calculations of mine surveying measurements.
  •   Mining cartography.
  •   Investigation and prediction of the effects of mine working on the surface and underground strata.
  •   Mine planning in the context of the local environment and subsequent rehabilitation.
  •  These activities involve: The location, structure, configuration, dimensions and characteristics of the mineral deposits and of the adjoining rocks and overlying strata. The assessment of mineral reserves and the economics of their exploitation. The acquisition, sale, lease and management of mineral properties. Providing the basis of the planning, direction and control of mine workings to ensure economical and safe mining operations. The study of rock and ground movements caused by mining operations, their prediction, and the precautions and remedial treatment of subsidence damage. Assisting in planning Rehabilitation of Land and affected by mineral operations and collaborating will, local government planning authorities.

In mining, minerals and mine surveyors show the path towards mineral resources. The art of mine surveying can be traced back to the Egyptians. In fact, the earliest record of a mine plan is one drawn on papyrus in 1400 A.C. showing workings in an Egyptian gold mine.


But also outside the mining sector, minerals and mine surveyors perform tasks within the network of technology, industry, economy and environment. The widely spread areas of activity allow them to adapt flexibly to a fast changing world in industry and economy.



Dr. Yongjun Yang, Dr. Zengke Li

Dr. Dongsheng Zhao, Dr. Feng Zhao

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