


(1)The above registration fee policy only suit for International Delegates. For Chinese delegates, please read the Chinese version of this page to get the registration fee policy


(2) Registration fees include participation permit, conference materials, conference catering, technical investigation of Beidou technology (Shanghai). The conference accommodation, round-trip transportation are not included. 


(3) The registration fees of Accompanying Person is $100, including participation permit, conference catering, technical investigation of Beidou technology (Shanghai). The conference accommodation, round-trip transportation are not included. 

(4) For international representatives, there is no need to book a hotel on their own. We will reserve a hotel for you. After clicking on registration, indicate the type and quantity of rooms you need.

(5) Both registration and payment should be done on the conference official website. Please follow the website guidance to complete registration, payment, as well as electronic invoice application procedure.

(6) The conference official website is the only platform for online payment of registration fee. Please do not hesitate to contact our staff for all queries.


Registration Type

International Delegates

General Delegates


Accompanying Person

Regular Registration







Dr. Yongjun Yang, Dr. Zengke Li

Dr. Dongsheng Zhao, Dr. Feng Zhao

Registration Submit